Monday, October 5, 2015

Is Deep Tissue Massage Right for Me?

It has been my experience not only in my 51 years of life but also in my 8 years as a massage therapist, that more often than not “Less is More”.    The body is designed to be a very efficient and adaptable machine.  That is why exercise routines must change often, sometimes daily, to avoid the dreaded plateau.   Personally, I have found that the standard or traditional high velocity low impact thrusts of chiropractic care to be less effective in comparison  to the more gentle and specific adjustments of the activator directed by the use of muscle testing techniques. 
Also I have found equally as ineffective the use of massage in such a way as to enter the soft muscle tissue abruptly and with enough pressure to cause bruising and extreme pain.  In the world of exercise one may be able to get away with the belief “No pain; No Gain”, though I have my doubts.  But, in the world of massage abrupt deep pressure does not promote long term healing for a variety of reasons. 

1.    Injury or re-injury of tissue
2.    Development of perceived pain relief cycles
3.    Psychological dependence on perceived pain relief cycle
4.    Inhibitor to proper assessment and treatment

 I have often been regaled by my clientele with tales of deep tissue massages that caused bruising, days and even weeks of extreme pain, fever, nausea, muscle contusions, and strained tendons. 

Any of these by themselves is enough to turn the novice from ever receiving massage again, but to those who suffer severe and chronic pain, suffering through one or more of these seems to be a small price to pay for a chance at wellness.   Too often I meet people who have, through no fault of their own, adopted the “No pain, No gain” philosophy in efforts to rid themselves of pain or to help manage their pain.  I will say that pain can come in treating some conditions such as Plantar Fasciitis or some forms of  hip pain, but this pain should be of short duration and not so severe as to cause the client long term after effects.  For the majority of massage treatments techniques should be applied thoughtfully, intelligently, patiently, and gently.   For example, I have personally witnessed a frozen shoulder of 27 years be released gently and pain free.   I myself have helped to eliminate certain forms of hip pain involving overly tight muscles deep in the pelvic bowl.

 Many of the techniques used to achieve pain free release are those that have been used for years, such as myofascial release and PNF stretching.  These techniques are used either as a sole treatment or as part of a protocol.  One such technique is Myofascial Release.  While myofascial release can employ techniques involving deep pressure that delivers considerable pain to its recipient, there are ways to use this time proven technique with little to no pain to the client and yet achieve lasting results.  

Extreme pain during massage also inhibits long term healing by setting up a neuro pathway of perceived pain relief cycles that reads something like this:

Chronic pain
Massage pain
Nerve exhaustion (perceived pain relief)
Induced muscle pain
Chronic pain

Each time a client receives a “deep tissue” massage done incorrectly, this cycle occurs and soon a pattern emerges in which not only does the pain return, but the body comes to expect this and adapts.  The result is years of perceived pain relief that never truly addresses the cause of the pain.  The perceived pain relief is actually nerve exhaustion.  The nerve becomes tired and briefly shuts off.  That is why the same pain returns just a few days later. 

Due to a lack of understanding on both sides of the equation, this perceived pain relief cycle also can set up a type of dependency in which the cause of the pain is never resolved and the client becomes dependent on massage as a form of pain relief rather than finding a pathway to true healing.  It is true that massage performed on a regular basis is beneficial, but not as a sole prescription for relief of chronic pain improperly accessed or treated.    As a natural consequence, it could be years or never that a client’s pain is adequately resolved.  It is therefore, the opinion of this author that to continue massage once the pattern of perceived pain relief is recognized is both unprofessional and unethical.  It is important also to point out here that there are conditions for which massage can be utilized in a healthy professional manner as part of a pain management protocol in conjunction with other medical treatments. 

By contrast, a properly trained and compassionate massage therapist will be able to properly assess a client’s pain and shortly determine if he or she has the skills to promote long term healing.  If not, a referral should be given to a more skilled therapist or another medical disciple altogether.   Thus it becomes the responsibility ultimately for the client to be his/her own health advocate.  Here are a few questions you can ask if you suspect you may be caught in a perceived pain relief pattern.

1.    Why do I have this pain?
2.    Why does my pain return consistently two or three days after massage?
3.    How long will it take for me to begin to experience long term pain relief?
4.    Should I seek medical attention for my pain?

If the answer to any of these questions is “I don’t know”, you might want to consider a visit to the doctor and at the very least seeking out another massage therapist with greater experience.

In conclusion, deep tissue massage if employed with intelligence and thoughtfulness can be highly effective, but done improperly can cause more harm than good.  Is can be VERY frustrating for those in search of pain relief to turn to deep tissue using that old thought pattern of “No pain, No gain”.  But instead, you are encouraged to spend a few precious hours researching  the type of massage you really need and whether or not the establishment you have chosen has on is staff those capable of employing massage properly and effectively.  Unfortunately, western medical persons may or may not be informed enough to answer all your questions concerning massage.  However, they can guide you in the appropriateness of massage for you and may even have massage professionals to which they can refer.

Melissa Jarufe, LMT
September, 2015

Tuesday, July 7, 2015


Summertime is a great time to eat healthier, especially with all of the local farmer’s markets in the area. You may not realize this, but eating local saves you money by eliminating the middlemen,  saving on transportation, unnecessary packaging and advertising which can account for at least 20% of total food costs according to Barbara Kingsolver’s book, “Animal, Vegetable, Miracle”. She also states that by buying your food goods from local farmers/businesses rather than national chains, actually generates about three times as much money for your local economy.

Another great thing about buying from a local business or farmer, you can get to know them and find out how the food was raised and produced, plus it tastes better! There are many local farmers who are still committed to chemical-free farming and organic standards even though they can’t afford the extra cost of organic certification. Although many studies have been done, research done by Allison Byrum of the American Chemical Society show that fruits and vegetables grown without pesticides and herbicides contain 50-60% more antioxidants than their sprayed counterparts.

If you’re unsure where to find the nearest farmer’s market closest to you, go to or for a network of farmer’s markets in this area, log onto (For those on a limited income, the North Union Farmer’s Markets now accepts SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Acceptance Program) Cards. SNAP recipients need to bring their EBT cards and must first visit the Market Information table to pick up their tokens.)

So take advantage of the summer’s best harvest from your local farmer’s markets and your neighbors. Not only will you be eating healthier, you will also be supporting your local businesses and economy. It’s a Win-Win for everyone!

Marie Pietras, MT
July 2015

Friday, June 19, 2015

Waterfront Wine Festival

June 20th from 4 pm to sunset!

Great wine, Great food and Great fun!

Veteran's Memorial Park          (Rt.83 /Lake Road, Avon Lake, Ohio)

New Life has been invited to come and  share with you some of the life changing services we have have to offer.  Our therapists and instructors will be on hand to meet you and answer questions.

We will be raffling off two wine baskets, one red and one white, combined with a couples massage or yoga party for you and 15 of your friends.

We will also be hosting a 50/50 raffle with profits going to CRS (Community Resource Services of Avon Lake) and the Food Drive at Learwood Square Plaza July 8th, 6
                                                                      9 pm.

         Come join us this Saturday 

Thursday, June 11, 2015


with Julie VanMeter

All Levels Yoga

(on the lawn by Ace Hardware)
Normal Pricing applies.  Dropin's Welcome!
In raining class will be cancelled

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Neighbor to Neighbor Food Drive








Suggested Items:

Canned fruit, Canned vegetable, Paper Towels, Toilet Paper, & Green Cleaning Products
Come join the party.  Good heart pounding, foot stomp'in music for everyone!

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Keep Moving Forward

Families and individuals face multiple challenges daily from physical to financial.  My family is no exception!  When I ask my husband “What are we going to do?”  Without hesitation his immediate response is always “just keep moving forward.”  It seems like such a superficial response doesn’t it? Actually, it is very sound advice.  When you are not sure what to do, continue to act in a way that brings you closer to resolution: even if you are not sure what that resolution may be.

I know it sounds strange, but most of us have or are currently suffering from “Atlas Syndrome”.  Atlas was the Greek God charged with holding up the sky.  His task was huge and there was no apparent way of getting out from underneath his terrible burden.  Thus, the Atlas Syndrome is the thought or feeling of being overwhelmed with no end in sight, no way out.    

According to Hans TenDam, Author of “People Make the World”, one way to combat the Atlas syndrome is to minimize this feeling of powerlessness.   The more we act to resolve a stressful situation the more we feel empowered.  “Just Keep Moving Forward”. 

Whatever your challenge, New Life is here to help you keep moving forward.  We have a variety of services to help keep the creative juices flowing from yoga to massage to meditation and more.  Our goal is to help you “Keep Moving Forward”!

Melissa Jarufe, LMT
June 2015

Join Mesha Moor and a few of your neighbors in a life changing course in Mantra Meditation.  It begins this Sunday or Monday  (May 31st/June 1st).  It is truly 6 weeks that will change your life!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Six Week Mantra Meditation Course!


Have you ever wanted to develop your own meditation practice but just did not know how to start? 

You are cordially invited to join Mesha Moor in this six week Mantra Meditation Course that will teach you to have control of your life rather than letting your life control you. Mesha will teach you mantras to help you feel energized and reduce your stress and anxiety.

Through mantra meditation positive vibrations are created that bring us peace and joy. In the first class we will plant a seed.

Join us to find out why planting a seed is the perfect metaphor for our meditation class.

Classes are once per week on either of the following days:
Sunday May 31st - Sunday July 5th
Monday June 1st - Monday July 6th

 Cost: $108 for 6 week course
Click Here to Enroll Today!

Thursday, March 12, 2015


LAUGH LONG AND LOUD. A robust rib- rattler improves not only your mood, but also your health. The physical act of laughing helps you stay alert, makes it easier to cope and lets you maintain your sanity when the world gets a little crazy. 

ADMIT YOU’RE HUMAN...laugh at yourself. People who have mastered Living-101 take their work seriously but not themselves. Knowing the difference gives you the keys to the kingdom.

UP YOUR LAUGHTER QUOTIENT. Nothing may be more important to your health and happiness. It has been said the average American laughs 15 times daily. SO eat your broccoli and get a megadose of Vitamin L every day. 

GENERATE MIRTH wherever you go. Good humor is the best social lubricant. It smoothes understanding, communication and cooperation. Make it your mission to elicit as many smiles as you can each day. 

HELP YOURSELF SUCCEED without stressing out. Humor is nature’s antidote for tension. Let it be your secret weapon when you’re up to your eyeballs in alligators. It’s fast, it’s fun, it’s free. No other stress buster can make this claim! 

TAKE YOUR FUNNY BONE TO WORK (or to the Senior Center). Instigate laughter on the job. Treating co-workers with respect and a sense of mirth does miracles for teamwork and trust. 

EMBRACE THE NOTION that humor is NOT incompatible with dignity and stature. Humor is the hole that lets the hot air out of a stuffed shirt. Follow the lead of Lincoln, Reagan and JFK who knew that humor is vital in overcoming adversity. 

REMEMBER THAT LAUGHTER and longevity go hand in hand. Grumps don’t live longer—it just seems like it. A buoyant outlook may be more important than oat bran and pushups, and it’s a lot easier to take. So get in the zone: Love life, laugh a lot, last longer. 

Reprinted with permission. © 2004 by Larry Wilde, author of When You’re Up To Your Eyeballs in Alligators-Jester Press, and founder of National Humor  Compliments of Steve Wilson, Director, National Humor Month (April) - 1-800-NOW-LAFF

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Couples Massage

The Relationship Benefits of a Couples Massage

If there’s one i can say with certainty about my man it’s that he enjoys a good massage. And heck, I don’t blame him; I’m a sucker for a great rubdown too. I’ve written several articles in the past about all the health benefits of massages (trust me, there’s a whole laundry list of ‘em!). This time, however, I wanted to explore a lesser talked about aspect: the relationship benefits of a couples massage.
Specifically, I wanted to find out firsthand how — or if — a couples massage could help our love life, not just physically, but emotionally as well. Thus, as any good researcher would do, I spoke with a few experts and booked an appointment for us over at the renownedExhale Spa in Hollywood. Read on to see if our actual experience supported the facts!

The facts: A couples massage helps you reconnect.

Often, couples are busy and find little time to be alone without worrying about what they need to get done or haven’t gotten done that day, notes Esther Boykin, a licensed marriage and family therapist and co-founder of Group Therapy Associates. “But during a massage session, people are almost instinctually driven to let go of the past and the future and turn their attention to the present moment. This practice of being fully engaged in an activity together that can help couples reconnect, and with a little effort, they can bring that same level of mindful awareness to their time outside of the massage,” she says.

In our experience this is…pretty darn accurate!

We were 20 minutes late getting to Exhale (that’s LA traffic for you), so I remember bickering a bit back and forth on the way there about that. As soon as we got changed into our bathrobes and were lying in a bed full of pillows waiting for our massage therapists back in the spa’s zen lounge, all of our worries seemed to melt away. Seriously, it was like we weren’t annoyed at each other at all anymore and our massages hadn’t even started! We just wanted to cuddle up on that ridiculously cozy bed, relaxed and giddy with anticipation at the thought of a much-needed hour-long massage. I have to say, the argument from earlier that morning was never mentioned again.

The facts: A couples massage increases feeling of affection.

According to Stef Safran, dating expert and owner of Chicago matchmaking and social networking service Stef and the City, massages stimulate the release of many feel-good hormones, which boost feelings of intimacy and affection. “Most notably, touch increases oxytocin (otherwise known as the ‘cuddle-chemical’), as well as serotonin and dopamine,” he explains. “So basically, a couple's massage is pretty much a scientific love potion.”

In our experience this is…so true.

As I mentioned above, we were feeling super snuggly prior to the whole massage part. After an amazing full body rubdown though, it’s no surprise that we literally couldn’t quit smiling or keep our hands off of each other. We shared a quick kiss (okay, like five), before heading straight back to the zen lounge for some more cuddle time. If we hadn’t been starving, we probably would have stayed at Exhale all day! Ah, the relaxation…

The Facts: A couples massage makes you want to get it on.

“A massage causes all of the muscles in your body to relax, which, in turn, relaxes your mind,” points out Carole Lieberman, M.D., relationship expert and author of Bad Girls: Why Men Love Them & How Good Girls Can Learn Their Secrets. “This makes you feel less anxious about being with your partner on an emotional and a sexual level. Plus, massages stop short of orgasm (or at least they’re supposed to), leaving you hovering on the brink and ready for your lover to complete the act.”

In our experience this is…right on point.

Um, not going to lie. My boyfriend did propose we do it right there on the table afterward. We didn’t of course, but things definitely heated up in the bedroom later on that day!

The Facts: A couples massage encourages bonding.

“Research tells us that partners who continue to inject novelty into their relationships have closer, more rewarding bonds,” details couples therapist Dr. Holly Cox of Lotus Therapy Center in Raleigh, NC. “I think couples massage, for couples in which both partners find the idea interesting, can offer an avenue to that shared adventure.”

In our experience this is…spot on.

My boyfriend and I have always made it a habit to try new things together, whether it be a couples massage or a restaurant that just opened up in town. This helps spice things up in our relationship and brings us closer. Two weeks later and we’re still yapping about how awesome our massages at Exhale were (seriously, can we go back already?). It’s an experience we’ll never forget and a fond memory we’ll hold near and dear to our hearts.